Occupational First Aid (previous Level 1)

The Occupational First Aid (previous Level 1) Training is the only legally required Level of First Aid Training, and therefor undergoes regular amendments.

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Advanced Trauma Management

Due to its very practical nature this Training has proven to be a highly powerful Emergency Program as well as an excellent Team Builder.

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Pediatric First Aid

This First Aid Training is designed for Parents, Teachers, Childminders, Au-Pairs, and everyone else dealing with children younger than 7 years.

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AED Training

Due to the ever growing demand for advanced First Aid Treatment and Training we have expanded our training portfolio with this exciting new workshop.

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First Aid Courses with MEC

First Aid Training is a legal requirement and a vital component of OSH Act compliancy for all companies and employers in South Africa.
The Occupational Health & Safety Act stipulates very clearly the necessity, the amount and the degree of training required.

In the likely case of an audit by the Department of Labour, accredited and valid certificates must be produced in order not to be penalized.

The Medical Education Center offers first aid training on a very regular basis, at very competitive rates. Each month we run in excess of 60 such classes, some at the client’s premises, others at ours.

Our facilitators travel all over South Africa to satisfy the needs of our ever growing clientele, and to assist in their quest for OSH Act compliancy. Training is offered in English, Afrikaans, as well as in a variety of African languages. All of the above allows for maximum flexibility and therefore maximum client benefit.

Our courses are aligned to existing SAQA unit standards, they are in line with the guidelines of the Resuscitation Council of Southern Africa, and are fully accredited by the Department of Labour.

Delegates are presented with a very detailed First Aid Handbook, as well as a First Aid Starter Kit.
Successful delegates will also be issued with the accredited 3 year Certificate.

Contact us in order to book your seat on one of our public courses, or to book a date for you company’s In-House Training.

Latest First Aid News

Dehydration and Heat Related Illness in Infants and Young Children

July 14th, 2016|Comments Off on Dehydration and Heat Related Illness in Infants and Young Children

Dehydration and Heat Related Illness in Infants and Young Children   Our children’s bodies create a tremendous amount of heat. Normally, they're cooled through sweating and by heat radiating through the skin. But in very hot weather, high humidity, and other conditions, this natural cooling system may begin to fail, letting heat in the body build to dangerous levels. This can cause Dehydration and Heat Related Illness. The most severe [...]

Childhood Poisoning

April 25th, 2016|Comments Off on Childhood Poisoning

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Burns and Scalds in Infants and Children

April 8th, 2016|Comments Off on Burns and Scalds in Infants and Children

Children are curious and like to explore their surroundings. They don’t know that hot water and hot drinks can cause burns. A child’s sensitive skin burns far more easily than adult skin. Burns and scalds are a major cause of serious injury in children from new born to 10 years old. A severe scald can inflict a serious injury and may mean a long stay [...]