Our various Safety Trainings will provide your Employees with Skills, Knowledge and Confidence.

However, the Occupational Health & Safety Act also requires any Organisation to be in possession of certain First Aid-, Fire-, and Trauma Equipment.

The Medical Education Center therefore supplies a wide variety of Medical Items. From single Plaster strips to Wheel Chairs, from Finger Cotts to Trauma Boards, from a loose bandage to a whole range of pre-packed First Aid Kits, from Fire Extinguishers to Automated external Defibrillators (AED), we assist you in your Quest for OHASA-Compliancy.

Your Organisation may require a Regulation First Aid Kit for Factory, Office or Kitchen. Maybe due to Unique Circumstances you opt for an individually tailor-made First Aid Kit.
Or you might just need to replenish your existing First Aid Kit.

Whatever your Needs, we are only a phone call away.