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So far Simon has created 5 blog entries.

Seizures in Young Children

Seizures in Young Children – Fever Convulsions A fever convulsion is a fit or seizure.  It is caused by a sudden change in your child's body temperature and is usually associated with a fever (a temperature above 38°C). A high temperature is a sign of infection somewhere in the body and is often caused by a virus or bacteria. A high fever [...]

2020-01-16T12:21:30+00:00March 17th, 2016|First Aid|

Croup in Young Children

What is Croup? Croup is a condition that develops quickly in children and is usually caused by a viral infection in the upper airways, which is localised in the throat and surrounding tissues. It’s characterised by a barking cough. It’s fairly uncommon and affects more boys than girls. It usually occurs in young children aged 6 [...]

2020-01-16T12:20:45+00:00March 16th, 2016|First Aid|

The Automated External Defibrillator (AED)

Due to the ever growing demand for advanced First Aid Treatment and Training we have expanded our training portfolio with this exciting new workshop. In the case of Heart Arrest, seconds count. Early Defibrillation has proven to be a critical component in treating such Patients. The Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is becoming increasingly present in companies, [...]

2019-05-27T06:53:01+00:00January 16th, 2016|First Aid, MEC News|

The Medical Education Center turns TWENTY

The Medical Education Center turns TWENTY !! A huge ‘Thank You’ to all our clients and to every single one of the almost 200.000 people that attended our classes since 1995. In November 1995 we started off with one facilitator offering Training in Pediatric First Aid, then Occupational First Aid, very soon thereafter we added [...]

2019-05-27T06:53:01+00:00November 16th, 2015|MEC News|

Momentum Life has adopted our First Aid Handbook

Momentum Life has adopted our First Aid Handbook and now supplies it to their members for free. What an honour for us. Having earned the trust and support of Momentum Life is proof of our material’s high quality. If you have not yet enrolled for a First Aid Training, please do so by contacting our [...]

2016-03-16T13:32:08+00:00October 16th, 2015|MEC News|